32-1 Management of the Athlete

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Letter from the Editor-in-Chief


Welcome to the 2020 opening issue of D.C. Tracts, where we focus on the chiropractic management of sports-related injuries. According to practice analysis surveys, about half chiropractors manage sports injuries, with those who treat athletes more likely to use a multi-modal approach (such as spinal manipulation or rehabilitation) and collaborate with other healthcare providers. Dr. Alicia Yochum’s Feature Article has a radiological emphasis and highlights the importance and relevance of diagnostic ultrasound in sports medicine.

Dr. Yochum describes the specific role of ultrasound for diagnosing musculoskeletal injuries, along with the unique advantages/disadvantages associated with its use. The Audio Lecture by Dr. Brynne Stainsby outlines the role of energy deficiency in sport injuries, relating the clinical presentation, assessment and management of energy deficiency in the context of a pragmatic clinical case report involving a professional dancer. In his Lecture, Dr. Brad Muir highlights the importance of appropriate diagnosis and management of dorsal scapular nerve dysfunction, which is often poorly or misdiagnosed, particularly among overhead athletes.

Dr. Brian Gleberzon resumes his “Juris-Proofing” series with a commentary on avoiding inappropriate physical contact with patients. He outlines the significance of risk management for chiropractors managing sports-related injuries including the role of patient education, consent and appropriate patient/doctor boundaries.

Dr. Yasmeen Khan explores the role of chiropractic for performance athletes with her article reviews, including a study on the prevalence of chiropractors treating athletes, a trial examining the effects of chiropractic on autonomic function and athletic performance, and a study on the frequency of concussions among ice hockey players.

I trust that you will find this issue of D.C. Tracts both informative, interesting and helpful in refining your clinical expertise and patient care.

Best regards,

Bryan M. Bond, BSc, BS, DC, MS, PhD

In This Issue:

  • FEATURE ARTICLE: Diagnosis of Muscular Injuries with Diagnostic Ultrasound
    Alicia M. Yochum, RN, DC, DACBR
    • Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport
      Brynne Stainsby, BA, DC, FCCS(C)
    • Dorsal Scapular Nerve and Shoulder Function
      Bradley J. Muir, HBSc(Kin), DC, FRCCSS(C)
  • JURIS-PROOFING: Importance of Professional Boundaries while Managing Athletic Injuries
    Brian J. Gleberzon, DC, MHSc
    Yasmeen A. Khan, DC, MS, MA

    • Prevalence and Profile of Australian Chiropractors Treating Athletes or Sports People: A Cross-Sectional Study
    • Spinal Manipulative Therapy Effects in Autonomic Regulation and Exercise Performance in Recreational Healthy Athletes: A Randomized Controlled Trial
    • Lifetime Prevalence of Concussion among Canadian Ice Hockey Players Aged 10 to 25 Years Old, 2014 to 2017