30-1 Radiology Findings and Exams for Common Pathologies

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Letter from the Editor-in-Chief

Most of us do not spend much time thinking about our body parts from day to day...

Most of us do not spend much time thinking about our body parts from day to day… that is, as long as they are not demanding our attention due to pain. However, 7.5 million Americans are thinking about their shoulders, and 25% of American adults are thinking about their knees because of distracting pain and dysfunction. In this issue of D.C. Tracts, Dr. Bryan Bond discusses some of the different conditions affecting these areas, along with their prevalence, proper evaluation and treatment. Radiographic examination and specific diagnostic tests and modalities that are best suited for the different pathologies and/or injuries are delineated. The comprehensive listing of his resources will aid practitioners in broadening the scope of their knowledge of these conditions.

In Dr. Tracey Littrell’s lecture, she also addresses knee and shoulder problems, their variations, evaluations and pathologies, but she approaches them with regard to different age populations and what is common among them. This aids the practitioner in approaching patients who present these problems with a better clinical focus.

Dr. Yasmeen Khan prefaces her Abstracts and Commentaries by citing an interesting dynamic within the chiropractic profession – the conflict of ideas regarding the utilization of diagnostic X-ray in clinical practice. She presents information that can help the chiropractic physician in determining when the use of diagnostic X-ray is appropriate. The views of chiropractic radiologists in clinical practice, those who teach radiology in the colleges and doctors in the field vary, and Dr. Khan addresses the influences that guide those views.


Vincent P. Lucido, DC, DACBO

In This Issue:

  • FEATURE ARTICLE: Common Shoulder and Knee Pathologies
    Brian M. Bond, DC, MS, PhD
    • Variations, Evaluations and Pathologies of Shoulder and Knee Injuries in Pediatric Adult and Elderly Populations
      Tracey A. Littrell, DC, DACBR, DACO, CCSP
    • Diagnostic Utility of Radiologic Clinical Prediction Rules for the Assessment of Musculoskeletal Conditions
      Brian M. Bond, DC, MS, PhD
    Yasmeen A. Khan, DC, MS
    • Historical Influence on the Practice of Chiropractic Radiology: Part I – A Survey of Diplomates of the American Chiropractic College of Radiology
    • Current and Prospective Use of Musculoskeletal Diagnostic Ultrasound Imaging at Chiropractic Teaching Institutions: A Worldwide Survey of Diagnostic Imaging Staff
    • Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses of the Difference Between the Spinal Level of the Palpated and Imaged Iliac Crests