32-3 Complementary Therapies

Letter from the Editor-in-Chief


In this volume of D.C. Tracts, we highlight the clinical relevance of “Complimentary Therapies” for chiropractors. According to a 2020 practice analysis survey reported Board of Chiropractic Examiners (NBCE), many chiropractors incorporate as part of clinical care. Complimentary therapies recommended by chiropractors exercise, physiotherapeutic modalities, nutritional supplements, acupuncture/cognitive behavioral counseling, and soft-tissue techniques. For example, approximately 58% of surveyed chiropractors reported advising in-office exercises on a daily basis, while about 76% described use of soft-tissue procedures. Neuromusculoskeletal conditions that chiropractors manage using complimentary therapies neck pain, low back pain, and myofascial pain.

I have written the feature article examining the role of dry needling pain, particularly chronic pain syndromes. Dr. Chris Kinslow’s audio importance of physical therapy as an adjunct to chiropractic care, while discusses the significance of regenerative medicine including stem cell In his ongoing Juris-Proofing series, Dr. Brian Gleberzon examines considerations of acupuncture for chiropractors. Finally, Dr. Yasmeen Khan reviews behavioral therapy and complimentary therapies for managing low back pain.

I trust that as the reader, you will find this issue of D.C. Tracts both informative and interesting, refining your clinical expertise and patient services.

Best Regards,
Bryan M. Bond, DC, MS, PhD

In This Issue:

  • FEATURE ARTICLE: What is Trigger Point Dry Needling?
    Bryan M. Bond, DC, MS, PhD
    • Regenerative Medicine: Regenerate, Revitalize, Renew
      Mark Sanna, DC, ACRB Level II, FICC
    • Physical Therapy as a Complement to Chiropractic Care
      Christopher Kinslow, DC, DPT, OCS
  • JURIS-PROOFING: Acupuncture: Regulatory Considerations
    Brian J. Gleberzon, DC, MHSc
    Yasmeen A. Khan, DC, MS
    • Long-Term Results of an Intensive Cognitive Behavioral Pain Management Program for Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Concise Report of an Extended Cohort with a Minimum of Five-Year Follow-Up
    • Effectiveness of a Multidisciplinary Biopsychosocial Intervention for Non-specific Subacute Low Back Pain in a Working Population: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial
    • Use of Complementary Health Approaches for Chronic Low-Back Pain: A Pain Research Registry-Based Study